Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dark Knight Cast Finalized.

According the comicbookmovie.com Nolan has cast Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Talia al Ghul and Roman Sionis respectively.


I was hoping that Nolan wouldn't cast anymore Inception actors. Oh well. JGL as the Black Mask? Maybe we will get Ellen cast next. Notsureifwant.

Christian Bale vs. Inception

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Music Industry is in the Shitter.

After witnessing the atrocity known at the Grammy Awards last night I realized the world is a very scary place. I am extremely afraid of what my future son/daughter will grow up idolizing. It seems that 90% of today's music is auto tuned and lip synced live. Lady Gaga will never be Madonna or Marilyn Manson her songs are uninspiring and she is cashing in on the gay community. She credited Whitney Houston for inspiring her to write her song "Born This Way". Hopefully Whitney Houston put down the crack pipe long enough to have a puzzled look on her face. I would like a pair of those demon horns and shoulder blades though... They would come in handy when I wanted to headbutt and shoulder check hipsters in midtown.

--Getty Images

I was scanning back and forth between the Grammy's and a VH1 Lemmy Documentary. Needless to say Lemmy is a true artist/rockstar. I'm sure Mick Jagger arrived in a fancy limousine and stayed at a 5 star hotel... while Lemmy is probably hanging out in his garage writing his next album. I will give Mick some credit however, he does put on a good show for someone pushing 70.

Could someone explain how "Need You Now" could win best song at these Grammy awards? The single was released August of 2009. Don't get me wrong, I think it is an ok song. But why now?

Why the Hell did I watch the Grammys? FML.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Soccer Mom's in River Oaks.

Ever since I moved to the River Oaks area I have been shocked at the amount of people driving like they are mentally handicapped. These have to be successful intelligent people right? You have to own at least a shitty BMW 325i to be accepted inside the loop right?? LOOK AT ME I DRIVE A BMW I'M SMART AND SUCCESSFUL!

--Typical Style of Driving in River Oaks.

If you live in my part of town long enough you will see Mercedes swerving all over the road, Lexus SUVs driving 15 in a 45, and Porsches speeding through red lights. The majority of these fucking douchebag drivers are women... very stereotypical I know. No doubt they are on their cell phones arguing for more child support or making appointments at Urban Retreat to get a facial in between Sally's softball practice and Billy's next Tae Kwon Do class.

I honestly do not know how these idiots make it to work or put their own shoes on.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

To the homeless zombies that troll midtown

What the fuck am I even doing writing this? It is not like they even have a computer to read this, but then again I do not have the Internet at my house. What ever, I fucking get asked 5 times, no exaggeration, a day can I spare some change? NO I FUCKING CANT. I owe 50K in student loans, 200K on my house and have credit bill of 7K.....If you total my debts they far exceed my assets. So technically speaking homeless guy wearing the retro Raiders Starter jacket you are wealthier than I. So no I can not spare any fucking money in fact what I have begun to do is when -I anticipate someone asking for money before they can even open their sewer mouths I say hey buddy Can you like spare some change, IRS is on my ass you heard me? MM

To the Elephant that lives above me.

I know you probably weigh 130lbs.. so either your fat girlfriend moved in with you or you are fucking dairy cows. The constant stomping from room to room sounds like a herd of buffalo roaming the plains. This really needs to fucking stop.

Every since college I have had some fat fuck living above me. God dammit I am pissed just thinking about hearing the stomping tonight.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Man the Harpoons!

I was at the gym the other day and I had to piss really bad. So I go to the locker room and find a urinal. Let me start by stating that I hate all public restrooms because most of you fuckers are disgusting.

So anyway, this fucking fat guy walks in and unzips at the urinal directly next to me. There are about 5 urinals in the restroom NONE of which are in use but this fat tub of shit decides to piss next to me. So he starts pissing and fucking GROANING with pleasure. He looks over at me and says "Don't you just love it when it doesn't burn?" I shit you not. I look over at him and say, "Yeah so do I." I have no idea why I responded with that but he promptly left without washing his hands.

Fucking locker rooms.

New Blog.

Just started this blog. I will be sharing my unique outlook on life and why it fucking sucks sometimes. There are to many assholes, dickheads, and douchebags to not have a blog about them.